Submit Now
To submit your paper
on conference proceedings
or abstract
- An account is needed. Please register
first, if you do not have one.
- Full paper submission can be published
in proceedings after reviewing and registration. (Template
Download) (LaTex)
- Abstract can be included in conference
program only. (Template
- To update new version, please mail
conference sceretary or update it via submission system.
Or submit your paper/abstract via mail
Important Information
- The selection panel of the conference committee will consider all papers
or abstract received by the submission deadline to ensure that the proposed
submission is relevant to the Conference.
- Abstract selection notifications will be
sent out to relevant authors within five working days
- All papers will be double-blind peer reviewed
by members of the conference committee to ensure an adequate standard, that
the proposed subject of the submission has been followed, that the paper is
of a suitable length, the standard of English is adequate and the paper is
appropriately referenced.
- For authors whose first language is not English, we request that you
have your work proof-read prior to submission by a native English speaker
(or at least a fluent English speaker). If you do not have access to an
appropriate person, you may like to consider our proof-reading service.
Papers can be rejected due to a poor standard of
- Papers that are accepted will be published in the conference proceedings
providing at least one author completes registration
(including payment). see the registration section of the conference website
for more information about registration. The conference proceedings is a
book published with an ISBN.
Review Policy
- This review policy is followed for all academic papers submitted to
conferences managed by committee.
- When the full paper is submitted, it is
double-blind reviewed by a member of the conference committee. This
review focuses on 10 issues intended to ensure that the paper is relevant to
the conference, is of a sufficiently high quality to be accepted for
presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings
and meets the submission criteria laid down by the programme committee. A
copy of the Review Form that is sent to reviewers can be seen here.
- In the event that a reviewer rejects a paper, a second opinion will be
taken and the final decision about acceptance made by the conference
- The conference proceedings are produced in both
printed and electronic form with ISBN numbers.
- Submission dates can be found on the web page.
- Some conferences include tracks with presentations from consultants,
professionals and vendors. These papers are accepted by the committee.
However a paper, as opposed to a set of PowerPoint slides, is nonetheless
Receiving Notification
After you received the formal notification letter, you can follow steps below
to finish registration.
- If the paper cannot match the topics or unqualified, rejection mail will
be mailed.
- After the paper pass two round of revewing process, formal acceptance
letter will be mailed incuding review form with comments etc.
- Please re-edit and improve paper quality according to review comments
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