Best Paper Award | 最佳论文奖
- All nominations will be selected during the review process and grouped
into a few key areas. 会议将在审稿过程中评选出最佳论文,并按论文研究领域分组
- Nominated papers in the same key area will be presented in the same
session. 所属领域相同的候选文章将在同一个分会进行报告,由此评选出最佳论文奖
- Only full paper submissions which are
presented at the conference will be eligible for the best paper award.
Best Student Paper Award | 最佳学生论文奖
- The first author of the paper should be a registered university student.
- Only full papers submissions which are presented at the conference will
be considered. 仅做过报告的全文投稿才拥有最佳学生论文奖的候选资格
Best Oral Presentation Award | 最佳口头报告奖
- For every session, one best oral presentation will be selected by
session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit,
PPT and English.
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